What am I thankful for? My top 10 list, in no particular order:

1.) Our new baby, due in June – Interesting story: Luke and Mary were both born five days late. This baby, the due date is June 5th. My mom, who passed away this March from pancreatic cancer, was born June 10th… what a great way that would be to celebrate my mom’s birthday!

2.) It goes without saying, but of course my wonderful wife, and children.

3.) I still have a job in this disgusting economy.

4.) I have a roof over my head.

5.) We are all healthy… keep away Mr. Swine-Flu!

6.) I have Bing Crosby crooning out White Christmas as I type.

7.) It’s the most wonderful time of year.

8.) We are all going over my mother-in-laws for turkey today… Mmmmmmm turkey.

9.) We are going over my aunts for desert… Mmmmmmm desert.

10.) The memory that I will always have of hosting my mom’s last Thanksgiving dinner here on earth. She always loved to cook, and made every Thanksgiving a wonderful memory for her family. I’m glad that I got the opportunity to cook Thanksgiving dinner for her. I hope that someone in heaven is cooking for her this year. God knows that she needs a rest from it all!